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Robbie Page launches Australia’s newest surfing company

The surfer in the headlines above is Robbie Page the founder and visionary of  Cream Surf Company Limited. He is proud to introduce to the world surfing market Australia’s newest and most powerfully authentic surfing company.

For those of you that have not heard of Robbie, he was a professional surfer, former top ten in the world with a pipeline masters title,  two Australian titles, as well as also being the current Australian masters champion.

For eight years he has been conducting research and development of Cream Surfing technologies. Cream’s new recyclable, high strength surfboard technology and the newest, stickiest high melt point surf wax formula has the ability to transform the surfing experience.

Robbie said that, ‘..It has taken a lot of blood, sweet and surfing to get to this point. With that in mind I would love your feedback, please feel free to visit our website www.creamsurfing.com you can leave us a comment…’

