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This coming Gower surf weekend looking good for The London Surf Club Visit

The guys are heading west today at the end of their working day in the big smog. Looking at the forecast they could be getting sun and surf!

Yes, it is currently looking like one of those classic weekends when all the conditions come together and the surf looks like that of warmer climates.

This is the second year that the London club have come down for a visit, last year we went through a surf lifesaving/rescue day with them, had a barbie and then went to wind street.

This year elite surfer Tom ‘Flash’ Fisher will be putting them through their paces on a days longboard clinic.

If you run a surf club, University club and want to get some bespoke training for your guys simply contact us, we can offer > surf lifesaving, surf contest training, indoor surfing, longboard clinics, ocean swimming technique for triathalon clubs.   Simply contact us > SURFGSD Surfing experience Company

